Thursday, March 31, 2016

Sacred Fertility Program

The Sacred Fertility Program is a 4 month program designed to support couples on the fertility path- or to give you as a fertile woman a deep grounding and knowing of your own fertility.

Sacred Fertility aims to change the conversation around fertility.

This isn’t just about having a baby or TTC. It is about our legacy as human beings on this planet. It is supporting women to find their soul path and what they truly have to offer the world- be it a baby human or a creative life of service or something else. Sacred Fertility explores the ways we become ‘mother’ consciously and with intention.

The program will cover the following areas of fertility over the four month period of time, meeting every other week in a small group setting:

* The Physical Body:
Basal Body Temperature (BBT) charting and how that can be a powerful tool for all women & self care massage techniques.

* Nourishing:
Fertility super foods and Real Foods by making bone broth, fermented veggies, and other nutrient dense foods.

* Cleansing:
Vaginal steams, sacred bathing, body brushing, identifying areas in your life that need cleansing & practical tools.

* The Emotional Body:
Witnessing Emotions, Listening & Processing Loss, Creating a Safe Container, The Mother Wound, Communication, Trust.

* The Spiritual Body:
Exploring Soul Contracts, Sacred Space, Intuition and Your Soul Path, Sealing & Honoring.

* The Nature Body:
Meeting guides and friends to support fertility from nature, lunar conception.

* Sleep & Dream:
Tips on improving sleep and how it affects our hormones, mood and health: addressing adrenal fatigue, dream work and the first spark of creation.

* Ritual and Ceremony:
For creating a life that is full, nourished and pro-creative.

At the moment this program is tentatively scheduled to begin in November of 2016

To be kept up to date on when this program sign up for our email newsletters

If you are interested in taking the fertility journey on a more personal basis and not in a group format, please send an email to Sarah:

Sign up to work with Sarah one-on-one

Friday, March 25, 2016

Sealing Ceremonies

Birth is an incredible, amazing and intense journey. As women, our bodies go through a lot of hard work to bring a child into the world. Through all of this work, through the triumphs, sorrows and joys, the sweat and tears, we are left open. We must allow ourselves to be open when we birth a child.

That openness can then leave us feeling empty after birth. Our bodies have been a vessel that carried and nurtured a small one (or even several small ones) for months. It is no wonder that our bodies would experience a vast emptiness once we have completed the birthing process. So, what then? How do we close ourselves after we have opened for something as incredible as birth? Well, why not have a beautiful closing ceremony.

While pregnant, women will have people "oooh" and "aaah" over their growing belly. After birth, that
attention seems to be turned to the baby. While it's well-intentioned, let's look at continuing to focus and honor the woman who made this birth possible. No, I don't mean the midwife or attending physician. I mean the mother. The continued care and keeping of mom, mothering her, can play a vital role in mom's healing.

Add to this a ceremony to "close the birthing process," and you are honoring the mother. As she heals, celebrates the life of her new child, and transitions into her role as mother, there is no greater honor than to recognize this process via ceremony.

Sealing ceremonies may seem strange to those of us living in the United States, or in other countries where there isn't a lot of emphasis put on the postpartum healing process, but it does happen in other parts of the world such as Malaysia and China. In other nations women are still mothering women after birth, honoring them for the incredible sacrifice that they have made, bestowing blessings upon these new mothers, holding space to allow these women to heal and close what was opened when they birthed their babies, and welcoming them back into society. The questions are, why don’t we do this in our country and what would happen if we did?

A SACRED tuck-in is a service in which several scarves are laid out one above the next. The mother lies down on top of the scarves and warm herbal flax-seed or herbal rice packs are placed across vital points on the mother's body (eyes, shoulder/heart, abdomen/womb, hips, knees, feet). As the warm herbal packs are placed, the scarf is brought up around the mother at each point and tied to allow for
a "tuck-in." She then lies there resting for a period of time being enveloped in the warmth.

The essence of all of this is meant to bring to light the importance of honoring new mothers, honoring their process, recognizing that each mother is different, but each deserving of having the space to be held, warmed, honored, and made to feel loved. When we limit our care to just when a woman is pregnant, we lose focus of the vital role that women play in birth, in life, and in creation. The time is now to come back full circle, and revive this important piece of the pregnancy and birthing process.

Closing the birth process is critical for so many reasons: energetically to finish the process, physically to heal the body, and spiritually to properly step over the threshold from maiden to mother. 
In Latin American countries this is commonly practiced by midwives as ‘closing the bones’ postpartum. It is traditionally done at day 3 postpartum but we have found woman LOVE it and benefit from it even 25 years postpartum! 
In Ecuador, it is sometimes given within hours of giving birth and repeated 5-6 times within the first 40 days. 

Our variation of the closing of the bones that we call the Sacred Sealing Ceremony is perfect after a ceremonial bath and a nice sesame oil warming rub down and when the mama is fully relaxed. It is never too late for a mama to practice this form of postpartum care!

This ceremony can serve several purposes for the postpartum mama:
*Physically it brings her back together, squeezing her joins and hugging all the areas that pregnancy and relaxing have loosened. It stimulates blood flow which in turn can help clean and renew the mother by moving fluid in her body. This can then help with finding balance for her hormones, immune system, toning muscles and tissue.

*Energetically it will bring her back together by holding her energy close. You can remind her to set intentions of coming home. She can invite all the threads of herself that may be have been scattered during the birthing process to be pulled back together.

*Emotionally it gives her a specific act/time to focus on sealing the birth process. By setting intentions of closing the birthing time and entering fully into motherhood she is able to emotionally transition herself in a way that western culture seldom allows.

To find out how to receive this service please visit our Services page, or send Sarah an email:

Monday, February 22, 2016


About Sarah Josey:

Sarah began her journey as a healer when studying biochemistry at Colorado State University in Fort Collins. Part way through the program she felt a need to find a healing method that was closer to the rhythms of nature; one that worked with a person’s body and the wisdom innate in us all. Shortly thereafter she began attending the North American Institute of Medical Herbalism in Boulder, CO; now called the Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism. She graduated two years later as a certified Clinical Herbalist and Clinical Nutritionist.

Her love of working with clients, as well as being in an environment where people could come to learn about natural health options, inspired her to open the Golden Poppy in Fort Collins.

Sarah’s practice combines a blend of traditional herbalism and wisdom as well as the latest research and knowledge on herbs and nutrition. In this way she has the ability to use what has worked for centuries by traditional healers as well as the many advancements that the modern health field has to offer, creating a blend that is as adaptable and personalized as each of her clients.

She was inspired to join the Sacred Living Movement after first discovering all that it offered while attending a Patchwork Pop-up event in Boulder, and is passionate about bringing the sacred back in to the lives of all that she meets.

About Sacred Whisper Northern Colorado: 

Sacred Whisper Northern Colorado is managed by Sarah Josey, Clinical Herbalist & Nutritionist and owner of Golden Poppy Herbal Apothecary. Here you will be able to find the latest information relating to fertility, pregnancy, birth, parenthood, nutrition, herbs, rites of passage, and all things sacred in this world as well as current events.

Sacred Whisper Northern Colorado is a sister of the national Sacred Pregnancy movement, founded by Anni Daulter. Sacred Pregnancy is committed to changing the current language and birth culture and returning the sacred rites of passage to women.